remote work

Work from from home or anywhere

Solutions for office remote access or virtual workstations.

two people working remotely
remote work

Secure data and access

Secure VPN access with 2-factor authentication. Safe data backup and restore. Peace of mind.

cloud with a lock
remote work

Reduce office footprint and dependency

No more need for physical computers in office (prone to outage, breakdown or theft). No more need for expensive wiring, shelving and powering equipment. Control and easily improve your infratructure virtually from anywhere.

empty office
remote work

Low cost and scalability

Simple inexpensive solutions for small businesses. Scalable for any size business.

business with 4 people


girl posing


Excellent services. The remote access allowed the entire office to work from home, it was timely for the covid-19 restrictions. We also saved money and simplified our IT by moving the servers to the cloud. Now we have safe backups of our data, easy retrieval, and peace of mind.